Sunday, April 12, 2009

Easter Fun

On Friday we colored Easter eggs with the Reids. The kids had lots of fun dying the eggs but then no one wanted to eat them! Tanner thought the white part of the egg was okay but the yellow was yucky!

The Easter egg hunt was a hit with the kiddos. They loved looking for the eggs. We are still missing one egg. The bunny did too good of a job hiding eggs! That will be a fun treat for later. Carter especially loved sucking on the wrappers of candy and he even managed to get a couple open.

Field of Dreams

Tanner's baseball team was able to be the Field of Dreams team at a BEES game yesterday. His team went down on the field and introduced themselves, their number and their position. Then they ran out to their position and the BEES player for that position met them. Tanner met 1st baseman Matt Brown. Then all the boys were able to go down and see the locker room and batting cages. Tanner had a great time!

Hanging out with his buddy!

Tanner met 1st baseman Matt Brown

Before the game with Dad -the assistant coach
Tanner on the big screen!